Sunday 3 July 2011


I seem to be skipping out on Blogland an awful lot this month. Long, boring story. Just know that I'm still around, even if I'm not... you know... around.


Quick post today because I have work things to do. So let's post about work, shall we?

My usual work uniform (I do have a couple of others, but I don't wear them as often)  is a dark green t-shirt with the Centre's logo on the front and STAFF on the back. When we first got them they were a big change from the old-fashioned "ranger" type button-ups we had been using, and to be honest I wasn't thrilled with them. They seemed too much like weekend wear to be for work, you know? Anyway, I did eventually get used to them, and now I don't generally give them a second thought.

And therein, as they say, lies the problem.

The problem of going around town doing errands (before work, after work, or for work) while forgetting that you're walking around with the word STAFF blaring from your back.

I'm honestly getting tired of people asking me where to find things in stores. I'm even more tired of the people who get needlessly huffy when I tell them that I don't know and try to explain that I don't work there.

People can be stupid about that.

It's bad enough that, even on fairly warm days, I'll leave work wearing my fleece jacket just so that I don't look so staffy. The problem with that at the moment, however, is that we're in the mid 20s for daytime highs right now and walking around with a jacket on for any length of time just makes you look overly hot, overly cautious, or overly clueless about the season.

STAFF it is I guess, then. Or bringing my wardrobe to work so that I can change my shirt for the five minutes it'll take me to get milk at the corner grocery after work today...

STAFF it is I guess, then.

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