Saturday 21 July 2012


Not a great photo, I know, but I kind of liked the way the Mock Orange flowers were glowing.

Well, not literally glowing, obviously. That would indicate some bizarre form of radiation.


Sorry for the unexpected absence from the blog (and sorry that I'm mostly going to continue it today by being in a non-wordy mood). It was a combination of taking a little time off from work and being fairly busy when I was here. The perils of blogging when you don't own a computer, I guess.

Like I said above, though, now that I actually have time to blog I'm not really in the blogging mood. I'd have plenty to talk about, but some of it's too depressing (death counts as depressing, right?), too work-related, or just too plain boring to bother with. At least in my current brain. And also in my current brain, I'm thinking that although I'm perfectly capable of writing a whole blog post about how bummed I was last night to be able to hear the fireworks but not see them (kiiinda like fireworks, me), it just doesn't seem worth the typing.

So there you go. I'll try for make-up blather in the next day or so, but for now I guess I'll just say see you later.

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