Monday 16 July 2012

Meanwhile, at the workplace...


Better mood today, or maybe I should say a more coherent one. There's still not a whole bunch of sleep going on in my life, but at least there was sleep. And a few hours in a row, even.

Yay me.

Hey, at this point even the small victories deserve a cheer.


I just went walking in the rain, or at least in the mizzle. I enjoy the rain, which probably says to a whole bunch of you that I live in a place where it doesn't rain every day. You'd be right, and as a result I'm very fond of rain. That's not saying that I might not be fond of the rain even if I lived in a rainy place, of course, but I know very well that it would be much less of a novelty.

I went out to take a few photos for the work blog (and they'll be going up after, for those of my two fans who know where the work blog is. For those who don't... well, the pictures won't be all that interesting, but if you're desperate for directions just e-mail me via the address on the sidebar of the other blog) and stopped along the way to take a couple of shots for myself.

Those who've been reading this blog for a while probably know that I have a bit of a thing for leaves, but you may not know that leaves with raindrops = even better. I love raindrops on leaves. Not only does the waxy coating of a leaf make drops look extra... droppy? (is too a word. For today, at least), but the drops themselves each act as tiny magnifiers. If you look at a leaf through a droplet you're always going to see things that you wouldn't notice normally.

It probably won't come as much of a surprise hearing this from a myopic detail-oriented person who sometimes has trouble caring about the (literal) big picture, but I like seeing things that I wouldn't notice normally. I like a magnified view.

That reminds me: I once did a small, weird, abstractish dimensional piece that was an impression of a magnified leaf. Maybe I should post it on the other blog sometime. It's not like it would be the first weird thing there.

Anyway, as I so often say about this time in the post, I need to get back to work. Today's photos, for anyone interested, are of Silverberry (up top) and Saskatoon (not up top). Two edge plants; two edible fruits. Although I think you'd have to be pretty desperate to eat the Silverberry. The berries are, indeed, silver on the outside. They're green and mealy on the inside. Very appealing.

And with that, on to my second blog post of the day. Not bad for a bunch of pictures in the rain.

I like the rain, though. Did I mention?

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