Saturday 7 July 2012

Stupid people

Today's pointless photo is obviously not of stupid people. It's a crane fly. Sometimes I like them better than people.

They don't live long enough to be stupid.


Ok, the above and the title of today's post makes me sound like I'm in a bad mood, and really I'm not. I'm just slightly annoyed by something, and maybe the title of today's post should be more like Stupid overly-cheery people on morning television who slightly annoy me. That seemed a bit too long, though, so you've got what you've got.

The... oh, let's abbreviate it because it really is too long... SOCPOMTWSAM who are currently annoying me are annoying me (have we got enough annoying yet?) because of the weather. And before I start my complaint, let me state outright that yes, I know. The heat wave that we're about to enter here wouldn't seem like much of anything to people in Ontario and Quebec, let alone all of the people down in the States who've been through all of this recent weather hell (and without power to boot). I know that. I also know that we don't get the humidity here in Alberta that can make a heat wave a literal killer. I realise that this is going to sound very wah wah wah to those of you living with all of that, so let me just state again that I KNOW.

Still, a heat wave is a heat wave, and this week it's our turn.

We're in for at least a week in the low 30s (and for any of my two fans who are American and haven't caught up with the metric system, if I remember right that's about 90F? And I'll repeat again, YES, I KNOW. But when you live in a place that's more renowned for -30C than +30C, it seems awfully bloody hot). And the morning news show anchors? Well, towards the end of the week their attitude about it was just really starting to tick me off.

And to anyone who knows me in person, yes, you should be reading tick me off as piss me off. I wasn't sure how people would feel about that, though.

Anyway. to anyone on a morning news show (that might possibly be on, say, CTV Edmonton. Or not. Who's to know for sure?): a week in the 30s is NOTHING to rejoice about.

The fake cheeriness about the "beautiful" weekend coming up totally ignores the truth about what a weekend in the 30s really means. It means crankiness. It means people with short tempers. It means a lot of unpleasantness at whatever festival it is that's happening in your city this week (Edmonton has a lot of summer festivals. I've been to about one of them). It might be fine for anyone sitting in a pool or a lake for the time that they're sitting in the pool or lake, but for anyone like me in a small, south-facing apartment with no cross-ventilation that's going to be at least 100 Bazillion Degrees Celsius by the end of the week, the whole thing is decidedly not a thing to be overly cheery about.

Incidentally, I normally find the overly-cheery thing a bit amusing in the morning. Do these morning news people (and I'm talking in general now) really like each other that much? Maybe they actually are that buddy-buddy in real life, but I like to think that behind the scenes they're really keying each others' cars or secretly gluing someone's desk drawers shut.

But that's just me.

And anyway, this silly weather has kind of screwed up my work day, so that likely explains part of the annoyance. My work week changes to Mondays and Tuesdays off in the summer so that I can be out on the Sanctuary trails doing the whole naturalist thing and interacting with visitors. Not sure what I'll do on a day when anyone in his or her right mind is stretched out in the shade with a cold beer (or lemonade, if that's more your thing). I might just end up sketching, since I have my moleskine here (I sometimes do a bit of field sketching) and I have a work-idea that could also be an Illustration-Friday-idea. We'll see. In the meantime, lunch.

Which is another sandwich.

I hope it's not a trend.

1 comment:

Ces Adorio said...

Aaawww. I think they are just doing their best to ceheer people up. After all you don't want dour people to be in the morning talk show? But who am I to say? I don't watch television. If I do, I stare through the screen and actually think of something else. Yep, no fun at all. Keep cool. Okay, that was silly since you obviously are hot. But your heat is not as hot as out hot here. You know what I mean? :)

You know, I have never keyed a ar or glued a drawer shut. Hmnnn...I wonder....

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