Monday 23 July 2012

Oh, for a brain to post with

I really wanted to make this a proper post. Really, I did. Things seem to be conspiring against me, though.

I'm tired, both physically and mentally. You might have gathered that there's been a little behind-the-scenes stress here (you know, from the lack of anything actually blatherific lately). Things are mostly ok at the moment, but still. Stressed is stressed, and it doesn't go away overnight.

So, there's that. But I thought I could pick some silly topic today and just type my way through it. That works, sometimes, to get me back on track. And then? Well, now we're under severe thunderstorm watch, and since my dad's UPS is old enough to be decidedly lacking in the battery part of backup battery, I'm a little leery to be typing away and just lose everything.

Ok, so it wouldn't be everything. Blogger's automatic save feature's kind of handy that way, but the whole thing's still more or less inhibiting the flow of nonsense.

I suppose I could tell you why I photoedited the bejeebers out of the poor begonia in today's pointless photo, but I really don't remember now. Bored, probably. Too many begonia pictures in a row that day.

So where does that leave me? Wanting lunch, I guess. Lunch and a nap, but knowing my brain and its aversion to sleep, lunch alone will probably have to do.

Let's give this another go later, ok? Or tomorrow, which also counts as later.

Ok, then.

1 comment:

Ces Adorio said...






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