Wednesday 24 April 2013

Pointless photo of the day:

Ok, I don't really have time to post on my brief lunch break (my writ's gimped up anyway. Long story), but I did have to at least make mention of the news that Richie Havens has died.

I'm not going to sit here and pretend that I was a huge Richie havens fan, but I did see him live once at a folk fest and it was an unexpectedly astounding experience. The performance itself was incredible, but by a weird coincidence it was helped out by the weather. It'd been a dull, rainy day that managed to be a dull, threatening-to-rain evening. Things held off until Richie's final notes died off, then we all got completely soaked. I know he had absolutely nothing to do with the whole thing, but the fantastic music followed by the fantastic drenching was a pretty surreal experience.

I've obviously not forgotten it.

Here's Freedom. You knew I'd have to link to it.

That's it for me today.

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