Saturday 20 April 2013


 Not the best shots because I took them quickly (stupid woman didn't put on a coat), but I just wanted to prove that spring is trying.

Very trying.

These will probably be covered in snow by the end of the day.

It would have been nice if the crocuses were actually open before then, but what can you do?

Whine and complain if you're me, I guess. But with good reason.

South and north of us they're already in the thick of things, and there are highway warnings out. Around 0C is just such a bad temperature to get this. Things are going to be turning to ice by the afternoon, and it's looking like I might be stuck here at my dad's place for an extra night. No worries on that, though; I don't have to work until the afternoon, and my philosophy of winter (sigh. Winter, still) driving is that if you don't have to, don't. There are enough idiots out there already, so why join the idiot crowd?

Anyway, none of this puts me in much of a blather mood, so this is all you're getting. I'll try for an actual topic tomorrow, but since the mood will probably just be bleaker don't expect much then either.

I'm just going to go have lunch now. And sulk, most likely.

Stupid spring, did I mention?

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