Monday, 8 April 2013

Stretching my boundaries

I'm trying to like green peppers. Really I am.

I don't, though. I find them massively overpowering to just about any other food that they're with, with one of the sole exceptions being ginger beef (and I think that's only because there's so much else going on in that particular dish).

I don't understand liking green pepper. Why do people ever like a food that takes over so much? Where's the balance? And where, for that matter, is the point to stuffed peppers? Here, I made you something. It's a green pepper that I've gone to the trouble of stuffing with a bunch of other things that you're really not going to care about because all that you're going to taste is green pepper.

Oh yeah. Sign me up right now. The closest I'll ever come to a stuffed pepper is the lame painting you see above, and you'll notice that I didn't even bother to "stuff" that pepper because it would have been a lot of fuss for nothing.

I don't like green pepper, and I don't like it to the point where, as a child, I could tell just from the smell of a perfectly harmless non-green-pepper pizza if the guy at the pizza place had made an evil green pepper pizza before that one. Yep, green pepper's so powerful that simply having that green pepper smell on your hands infects the next pizza.

I'm trying to like the blasted stuff, though.


And why?

Because it's in EVERYTHING. If you start checking labels, you'll find that green pepper is one of the most insidious ingredients in commercial cooking. And I can't tell you how many times I've watched a cooking show and gotten interested enough in a recipe to maybe consider looking it up afterwards, only to have the TV personality betray me by dumping in a bunch of the green stuff.

Sigh. It's almost enough to put a person off cooking.

And pizza.

What I'm trying to say is that I forgot to check the label the last time I bought pizza sauce because I was in a hurry and they were out of my usual brand. I got it home, opened up the jar... and smelled GREEN PEPPER.

Damn you, green pepper.

Now I either have to throw out a jar of what should have been harmless pizza sauce, or learn to like green pepper.

I'm trying to like green pepper.

Yes, I'm that cheap. Or that p.o'd, whichever way you'd like to look at it.

Damn you, green pepper.


So what gives, Dee? You disappear for a week again, and then come back and not only write a silly post about a harmless food, but illustrate it with a picture of a fairly bad watercolour that you did years ago?


You see, the problem is that I'm currently looking out the window at a beautiful winter day. And then I'm looking at the calendar and it says spring. It's depressing enough to take the blather out of anyone, really. You can't blame me for that.


Damn you, Alberta weather...

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