Sunday 7 September 2014

A bit more about the brothers

Otherwise known as Turkey One and Turkey Two, Hey Dudes, or the Shit (as in little) Brothers.

Um, for those new to the program, I'm not always that good at referring to animals by the names they've been given. These two actually seem to be learning their names already, though, so I'm trying my best to stick with Tom and Bob.

For those who didn't catch on yesterday, that's Tomcat and Bobcat. I'm not sure whether Dad was thinking of the wild animal or the machinery for that second one. Let's go with the animal.

Turkey One appears to be ahead in the match in this photo, if anyone wondered.

Tom, as I said last night, is the more forward of the two, and so far he's the happier one to be held. He has one of the loudest purrs that I've ever heard in a kitten. Loud enough to be surprising. Oh, and I've finally heard him speak. I held him for a little this morning, and I guess he thought that I'd put him down too soon because I suddenly got kitten squeak. So I picked him up again. Purr. Yeah, I'm a sap.

Bob can hold his own in the wrestling, and unfortunately proved last night that he thinks I'm a tree. I got climbed pretty well, as a picture of my leg would show.

Don't worry. You won't be seeing a picture of my leg. Did I mention that I'm allergic to cats? Doesn't keep me away, but it makes things interesting.

Bob's going to be the talker, I think. He's fairly quick to let you know he's around, he's lonely, or he's unhappy. I'll be curious to see what kind of voice he develops.

We lucked out with the new toys, it seems, because all three were hits. Two are wand-style toys so they won't be playing with them unsupervised, but it's neat to see what they're making of the Turbo Track. It's in a figure eight right now, but since you can change it up we'll probably mess with their heads a bit to see if they can figure different shapes out. They like batting the ball, but they also like trying to bat each other through the little tunnel.

They like batting each other period. Brothers, right?

Anyway, I'll keep it short because I have cats to play with. You'll be hearing enough about them over the next few days to be sick of them anyway, I figure.

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