Sunday 21 September 2014

Various things... oh, and a pointless cat photo

Bet that's a surprise.

Immediately after I took this shot he started chewing the coat, of course.

I think I got fully initiated into the cat family yesterday. Dad was away for a bit, and the Turkey Brothers were entertaining themselves. Like most kittens, these two have two gears: GO!!! and full stop. Well, when Tom reached the wall and retreated to his bed (oh, you'll see the bed. Don't worry), Bob wasn't quite done and came over to me to futz around the recliner I was sitting in.

Bob futzing around a chair is a lot more polite than Tom futzing around a chair, by the way. Bob doesn't tend to try to nibble on your face.

Anyway, he fiddled around for a while and then realised that he was tired too... and curled up in my lap. For two hours. It would have been even more, but eventually even I have to get out of a chair and do something so I moved him to the bed with his brother.

Being a Bob bed means that I fit in, right?


On another topic, I need a haircut.

Yes, already.

See? This is what happens when I actually try to have a hairstyle. It's fine for a couple of weeks, but my hair grows so frustratingly fast that by the third week I'm looking at it and realising that I need to make the choice of haircut or growing it out again.

Growing it out again usually wins. Who wants to pay for a haircut every three weeks?

The problem is that I really kind of liked the cut this time. She razored the layers instead of scissoring them, so it has (had) a different, slightly shaggier feel. It framed my face pretty well, too. In fact, I liked it enough that except for one day I've been wearing it loose to work. I'm generally lucky to make it two days without tying it back in some way, so that's big.

By the way, if you don't believe me about my talent for speed hair let me just say this. When it was cut I was incapable of making a pony tail. Now? No problem. It's a short pony tail, yes, but I tried it out of curiosity the other day and everything stayed in the elastic. Really.

Sigh. I didn't want to be needing a haircut so soon, and even worse, I didn't want to be wanting a haircut.

Stupid haircut. Why did you have to be good?


One last thing, because it wouldn't be me if I didn't end on an annoyance. Always. You know, the menstrual supply brand. Do they hire advertising firms that consider women to be puerile little children on purpose? For years we had to put up with the insultingly cute have a happy period. It's ok, little girl. We don't care if you're cranky and bloated, this magic pad will make everything sunshine and rainbows! And now, as anyone who (still) watches television will know, they've gone into the bladder leakage market. And their slogan? Because, hey! Pee happens.

Seriously? I have no words.

At least tell me that these stupid things were written by men. If it was a bunch of women who decided that the above were both good ideas, they need to be taken out of their boardroom and reminded that the average woman in the actual world understands when she's talked to as an adult.

And if I find myself in the need, I'll be going for Poise (lesser of two evils, really). Because, hey! Sometimes an insulting ad campaign hurts your bottom line.

And speaking of bottoms, I'm going to stop typing now before I get into those bloody Charmin bears who apparently wipe ABOVE their tails. Ugh. Enjoy the go?

I have no words.

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