It ain't easy to get those tenets into this short-attention-spanned brain, you know. Especially since, as I read about the great thinkers, this keeps playing over and over again in my head. Not that there's anything wrong with it, of course. It's a nice little tune, and one that I happen to be fond of. It just makes it a bit harder to pay attention to David Hume figuratively ripping the rationalists a new one when my internal voice (well, one of them) is gleefully reminding me that he could outconsume Hegel.
Oh, and if you happen to enjoy the philosophic stylings of M. Python, you might like this as well. I know I do.
Yeah. I'm that deep.
Anyway, this all has nothing much to do with anything except how easily my mind is led astray. Another example? Well, with all the talk of Remembrance Day lately my own personal music station has found itself playing God Save the Queen a bit too much. Except not exactly with those words.
More often with these words, sadly.
I'm such a product of my times.
And... because I took so long looking up the links (and finding others along the way, naturally), I now have no idea if I was going to make a real point with this post. Or non-post, as it turned out to be. I should be able to come up with some sort of a non-pumpkinising point, though. Let's see...
Ok, this'll do. If you've found yourself singing along with either of the musical clips (odd that they both have the Mitch Miller thing going on, really), you might want to stop before your yak snaps.
I'm done now.
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