Thursday 19 February 2009

Pointless out of season photo of the day:

I see that I titled this photo orange when I saved it. Apparently I was too tired to type the word lily as well that day.

I probably should have just titled the thing shadow, though, because the shadows are the only reason I even bothered to keep it.

OLF, remember. I sometimes find photos interesting for reasons that make no sense to anyone who doesn't live in my pattern-addled brain.


That'll be it for today. I'm tired, cranky, and sore after the last three mornings spent wrestling the planetarium (yes, that's exactly what I do. Shut up), and I actually got busy talking about work-related stuff for a few minutes in a row so I haven't had time to formulate the day's blather anyway.

Tomorrow is a non-planetarium day. AND I won't have to be here so flipping early besides. Maybe -- just maybe -- the above two facts will put me in a more blatherific mood.

Don't count on it, though.

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