Sunday 1 February 2009


The flower in the pointless photo isn't blue. Or wasn't blue, anyway. This particular flower would qualify more as shrivelled and brown now in real life.

I was doing some photoediting and decided that maybe today's flower should be blue. No reason. Sometimes I just like playing with the sliders, that's all. Today's result? Blue (or slightly purplish, I suppose. Let's call it blue for now, though) flower. Tomorrow? Well, I'll probably post a photo of the same flower that's a little closer to what it actually looked like.

So, today's question: did I turn the flower into art by making it blue? It's certainly a bit more evocative of... something, I guess, now that the colours have been mucked about with. It's no longer simply a duplicate of the real flower. I'd imagine that some would say I've made an artistic choice by pushing the colour temperature slider all the way over to cool.

But is it the result art?

Honestly, I don't know. I just thought it looked kind of neat this way.


Speaking of the real blues -- if any of my two fans wondered, I've been feeling more myself the past few days. Yes, I think I was probably not in the greatest place mentally for a while and I'm not sure that things are still where they ought to be, but it's been a bit easier to get up in the morning lately. That's a good sign, right?

I'm choosing to think so.

Now go back and look at the pointless flower some more already.

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