Saturday 31 January 2009

Ok, so I'm posting today

Or I'll try to, anyway. I'm a little bit on the cranky side, to be honest, so I'm not guaranteeing that anything worth reading will come of the blather.

And why am I on the cranky side?

Oh, I'm just sore and creaky, that's all. A joint that doesn't usually act up has been proving that it can, and a couple of hours in the planetarium the other night aggravated it to the point where I was walking around like I was 103 years old yesterday.

I'm only about 72 today, though, so I guess you could say that things are looking up.

It's kind of annoying finding yourself dealing with so many aches and pains at a comparatively young age... or not so young, maybe. Maybe this is just a sign that I'm not really at a comparatively young age anymore and the warranty is soon to expire. Happy thought, that.

Incidentally, and since I've already used both of them in this post, did you know that guarantee and warranty are both the same word? It's true. The initial sound shifted a bit as the word went from language to language, but it's really the same damned word.

English. Confusing, exasperating, and very, very cool. I think if more people knew a little bit more about how our (or any, for that matter) language evolved, they'd have a lot more appreciation for it.

Erm, sorry. Language history is somewhat of a hobby for me. Anyway, where was I?

Oh, right. Whinging.
Are we sure we want to get back to that?

Well, I suppose there's an interesting aspect to this pain thing. Normally I'm not too bad with a certain amount of pain. For those new to the program, I have an old injury that has settled into a background ache, and that ache follows me around every day. You get used to that sort of thing (to a point, of course. I recognise that chronic pain can be a real problem if the pain isn't just a vague ache. I'm lucky to be at the level I am, and I know it). It's funny, however, that even with a certain amount of daily pain the brain still goes into a bit of a panic (or, in my case, a major whinge) if the pain gets worse or appears in a new place.

It's preservation, I suppose. Even if there's a baseline level of pain, the body still needs to examine and protect itself from unfamiliar pain. Things would be quite a mess if that instinct wasn't there, after all. Pain can mean injury, and if an injury isn't looked after the whole thing becomes a dangerous circle as the injury gets worse and makes the pain worse which makes the injury worse...

Or something.

I'm just babbling here, you know.

And, frankly, it's causing me pain to be sitting in this chair right now.

Sounds like a good reason to end the daily blather for now, especially as it's obviously not going to emerge from the whinge zone.

I'll see if I can find something non-whingey (or at least less whingey) in the cranial archive for tomorrow.

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