Friday 9 January 2009


I had something earlier, you know.

It was called work.

No, no, no. Work is the reason that I can't remember what it was that I wanted to post earlier. Terrible when you work at work instead of posting blather for no apparent reason.

Anyway. Whatever it was that I was going to post is now lost to the landfill of my brain and has probably been covered by the remnants of someone else's lunch by now.

Erm... ignore that last little bit. It makes about as much sense as it seems to.

I did have something to say about the general boringness of the dresses at the People's Choice Awards the other night, but it's a sad state of affairs when all you really have to mention in the way of excitement is that you can't quite figure out why Kate Hudson seems to be so happy about wearing designer caftans these days. Yeah. Here's hoping for better from the Golden Globes.

People try a little harder there, at least.

Sunday, remember? I expect you all to be there. Haven't quite decided on the drinking game yet, but I'm still open to suggestions. We could start with have a drink every time Dee becomes indignant at the sight of yet another idiot man wearing a long tie instead of a bow tie with his tuxedo. Although...

It could be a very hazy Monday for some of us if we were playing that game, really.


Oh, so sorry. I see that I'd already said anyway.

Anyway, I'll try to remember what it was that I was going to say today and use it for tomorrow, if still applicable. In the meantime, if you're looking for an example of pointless behaviour to scratch your head over, I've posted another piece of "art" on the old blog. Shrubbery, that is (the blog, not the "art"). You can find it on the sidebar to the right.

And yes, the quotation marks around art really were absolutely necessary. It isn't so much art as the obvious need to get out more...

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