Saturday 10 January 2009


As opposed to headroom, which would be something different.

And does anyone else think it's weird that the person who left the tracks in today's pointless photo had one boot and one hoof?


Assuming that my father doesn't have other plans for the afternoon (I'm temporary weekend chauffeur these days), I'm going to try to make myself do some doodling today.

Doodling hasn't been happening much lately.

I haven't been in the right headspace for it, I guess.

It's a weird thing, that. I mean, if I'm in the right headspace to be doodling I can really get into it. I enjoy the lines, the textures... even, to a certain extent, the eff-ups that lead to the whole thing becoming something that it wasn't originally intended to be. It can be almost like meditation, doodling -- or at least as close as Yours of the Short Attention Span can ever manage to get to meditation. I'm too easily distracted (and too much of a five-year-old) to ever really meditate.

Doodling, though, is different.

When I can get into the right headspace.

I haven't been too successful with that in the past while. And why? Well, for the same reason that I disappeared from the blog for so much of the past two months. Real life kind of took over, and doodling didn't happen. Shame, that. I have a reasonably new moleskine sketchbook that I haven't even opened yet, ferpity'ssake.

That's practically a crime, you know.

The ironic thing is that the fact that I haven't been able to get into the proper headspace to sketch has probably been preventing me from getting into the headspace that sketching generally leads me to.

Ok, that last sentence was more headache than headspace. I hope you followed where it was trying to lead, though.

As for me, lunch. Then whatever errands the father figure may need to run. And after that?

Well, wish me and my pencils luck.

Have a good one, all.

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