This whole not sleeping through the night thing is getting a bit old, I guess.
And frustrating, since there's really no reason for it.
Sometimes there are reasons, you know. Sometimes it's because I worry about things (I'm a world class, olf-worthy worrier, unfortunately. And was even as a child). Sometimes it's because my brain gets too busy with other things to remember to sleep. And sometimes... it's just frustrating. Like it is at the moment.
Ah well. Headache's as good an excuse as any to avoid shopping for yet another day, I guess. Grocery shopping, that is. I'm not sure why I've been avoiding it, but I have been. It's got so that the regular routine is to stop at the local corner grocery (and incidentally, if your neighbourhood is one of the many to have lost its corner grocery, you're really missing out. I'm lucky enough to have a real, honest to Whomever, pre-supermarket-style grocery a couple of blocks from me. With a tiny little bakery and everything. It's been a lifesaver more than once) and pick up the bare minimum of whatever I need to get through the week, and then tell myself that I'll get to the bigger stores later.
Later hasn't happened for over a month.
I'm starting to run out of staples.
That's not good.
What if I need to put two pieces of paper together? Tape's not going to manage it.
Yeah, I had to make the the lame joke before someone else made it for me.
Anyway. That's all I've got. I know I was going to talk about the snakes, but since they're nothing but frustrating this time of year it would have been a very short talk. And now, I'm off to... I dunno. Look at the reading file, I suppose.
This whole work thing's sort of hard to get used to.
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