So. Today's pointless photo has very little to do with reality. The sunflower I took the picture of was real, yes (depending on your definition of real, I suppose), but the way the photo looks now is entirely due to the effect of the flash and some subsequent buggering around with my photoeditor.
I like the way it looks, though. Makes it seem more of an abstract thing rather than just a dead sunflower on my balcony.
My usual method of editing photos is just to crop things to their best advantage (at least, the way I see their best advantage. The occasional weird bit of cropping you see here is completely on purpose. Sometimes, I'll admit, I see things a little bit... oddly compared to the world in general), and to slightly adjust contrast and lighting if the camera's picked up something that shouldn't be there. Occasionally, though, I'll move the various sliders to extreme positions just to see what the result is.
Sometimes I like the experiment better than the actual photo.
Ah, the fun of digital.
Anyway, no message or pseudophilosophy today. Just a picture of a dead sunflower that's had too much artificial shadow added to it because I thought it looked neat. I guess you can extrapolate other things from that if you choose to, but as for me I think I'll just head upstairs and cook an egg.
There's ham from yesterday, after all. And it's the rules that when one has ham for supper one day, one absolutely must have scrambled eggs with ham and cheese the next.
Well, it's the rules in my culinary universe.
And since it's alllll about me...
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