Sunday 11 January 2009

Wish my head had LESS space

Oh, how clever. She's referencing yesterday's post...

Ok, so maybe clever isn't the word I'm wanting there. I don't feel terribly clever anyway. What I feel is headachy, and that'll probably continue for the next few days with my luck.

The chinook winds are moving in, you see. And while the warm chinook winds are good news for anyone who was sick of our recent minus godawful temperatures (i.e. me), they're also bad news for anyone who gets pressure headaches associated with chinook winds (i.e. me).

Sometimes you just can't win no matter what happens.

Ah well. I suppose I'll take the winds over not being able to go outside for days on end. Just barely, though. Chinook headaches aren't a helluva lot of fun.


So, update on yesterday: I did actually manage to fit a quick doodle into my massively unbusy schedule. Yay me. It's not one of my best, but if you're curious you can find a photo of it on the old blog. Um, that'd be here. You'll also find it as Shrubbery on the sidebar. For those new to the program, the old blog used to be THE blog until the code got mangled and patched enough that I decided to move the daily blather over here and redo the old place as a storage bin (round file?) for my various artsy endeavours. Or lack of same. It hasn't been too busy lately (much like this place) but I'm hoping to get back to it a bit more in the new year.

And if you head over to the old place and wonder about the play-doh, well... let's just say that I'm broadening my horizons. Or something.

Talking about the old blog reminds me that I wanted to mention something about the slideshows on both blogs. I was going to talk about Golden Globe anticipation (the entertainment sites are practically giddy with it since the Globes are back for the first time after last year's strike-caused debacle), but I think I've probably talked about silly award shows enough lately so we'll do this instead.

The slideshows, then. For anyone unfamiliar with Blogger and the workings of the Google family, here it is, then. Any photos that are posted on this blog or the old blog are hosted in a Picasa web album. The two slideshows on this blog represent the older photos I've posted as well as the photos the Toronto office has added. On the other blog, the slideshow is of all the pointless doodles I've posted over the past while. Clicking on any of the slideshows will take you to the photo and its album.

Incidentally, the only reason that my more recent photos aren't in a slideshow on the sidebar is that I didn't think we needed THREE slideshows on the blog. If you're desperate to see the current album, there's a separate link to it a little further down the sidebar.

And so why would you want to look at the same pointless photos in album format? Well, there's a couple of reasons, and I'm not sure that all of my two fans are aware of them. First, I caption and tag the photos in my albums. Some of the captions are straightforward. Some of them are weird. Occasionally, though, the captions offer a little more information about the photos, and occasionally (ok, rarely) that can be interesting.

The second reason you might want to visit the albums to see the photos is that you can comment on them. Yes, I do actually welcome comments. My photography is, as advertised, largely pointless, but if there's something about a photograph that strikes you I really would like to hear about it.

Once you're in an album you can easily navigate to my other albums if the mood happens to strike you. And you can comment on them, too.

Isn't feedback fun, boys and girls?

Erm... I think I've run out of stuff now. Stay tuned for tomorrow's whinge about the Golden Globes. All I can say is that somebody better be wearing something completely ridiculous or I'll be terribly disappointed.

Two years of disappointment in a row may be too much for my shallow little heart to handle, you know.

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