Tuesday 20 January 2009


Yep, that's what I have in mind to blather about. A great big ol' nothing.

We're running at about the same speed as usual, then.

I'm certainly not going to talk about the inauguration, that's for sure. It was more or less inescapable this morning if a person was attempting to watch television at all, though. Then I came to work and it was on streaming video in the office.


Ok, so I can understand why so many people were watching, and I get why people are excited. It's just... well, first of all he's not my president. Second, he's not going to turn water into wine anytime soon, although you wouldn't have known it if you'd listened to the worshipful coverage the whole thing was getting from even the Canadian media. He's just a politician, folks. He's got a helluva job ahead of him, too, and I can only hope that a few of the people forming the ecstatic masses of today are still a little bit happy a year or two from now.

I'm so completely not into politics.

And having said that... I really don't have much else to say. What should I be filling space with, then?

Oh, hey. I just thought of one thing.


I went book shopping yesterday because I had a couple of Christmas gift cards to use. It's been a while since I've been shopping anywhere but in a grocery store (yeah, Christmas shopping didn't happen at all this past year. Seriously), and it's really been a while since I was in a bookstore. I'm afraid I've been won over by the whole online shopping thing when it comes to books, if only because I generally save a bit of money that way.

Yesterday, however, found me in an actual, real-life, physical bookstore.

They're kind of fun, you know.

It's far easier to browse in them than it is online, for one thing. You're more likely to find something you wouldn't normally buy, as well. And since that's my usual aim when I get a gift card...

I should explain that.

I generally go out of my way to buy something a bit unusual when I have gift cards to spend, because I figure that if I'd been given a book rather than a card the book would be a little off my usual beaten reading path. So, to make things more "gifty" I try to stay away from the usual work-related or weird-hobby-related reading list and get something a little different.

And what was the little different this time?

Well. I could tell you, but then I'd have to type a whole bunch more words when I should be getting back to work. If you're desperate to know what's new on my footstool (they're not on the shelf yet, silly, because I haven't read them) you can click on the Shelfari link on the sidebar (that'd be the thing that looks like a bookshelf on the sidebar) and look at my profile under I Plan to Read. Everything there except the Stephen Fry book was from yesterday's browse.

Ah, the Stephen Fry book.

It's been planned to read for about a year now. I keep starting it and then getting involved in other things. It's the exercises, you see. I want to do them, but I never seem to find the mood...

Oh well. Someday.

Back to work for me now. And if you decide to look through the rest of my Shelfari shelf, just bear in mind that it's only representing about half of the books in my life at the moment.

My one-room apartment can be a pretty scary place. Unless you're into libraries, I suppose.

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