Saturday 4 April 2009


Yeah, I know. Mutter belongs to the other blog. Don't care, though.

No post yesterday because I'd hardly had any sleep and couldn't have made sense even if I'd attempted it. Last night? Well, things were going fine... until they weren't.

How can someone be so tired and yet still be bolt-upright awake at godawful in the morning?

Incidentally, if anyone was wondering about the state of the snow moulds around here, I (or at least the tightness in my chest) can inform you that they're happy and healthy and making me pretty much miserable to be with.

Not that I'm all that great to be with at the best of times, but can't say I care just now.

So anyway. Here I be -- tired, cranky, and allergic. I can already tell that lots is going to get done today. Yep. It'll be either doing up my taxes... or sitting around doodling for no apparent reason.

I know what I'd put my money on.

I wonder if cranky doodles are really that good an idea...

I guess we'll see.

Tomorrow stay tuned for a very exciting photo of mostly bare ground with a few tentative tulip leaves trying to poke through. I have to take their picture before the deer get to them, you see. Juuust so that the world (aka my two fans) knows that they did have a brief window of existence.

Next year maybe we'll give up the tulips to the deer completely and just plant daffodils.

Or... whatever. Can't even care about that at the moment.

I'm off, then.

If anyone cares.

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