Friday 17 April 2009

When the rescue ship comes, I'll tell 'em: Take my companion, please...

So, the scenario is: I'm stuck on an island. Food and stress aren't a problem... but there's someone there with me.

Me. And one other person. Stuck on an island.

If there wasn't a rescue ship, I'd have no choice but to get rid of the companion myself, I think.

Get the feeling that I'm a bit of a loner? You'd be right. The fact is that I really don't mind people. I don't mind them, that is, as long as I have the opportunity to go home and be by myself at the end of the day. I need that quiet time. No other voices to hear but the ones in my head. If I had to be around someone day after day after day it wouldn't matter to me if that hypothetical island was an absolute paradise; I'd be miserable just from the constant company.

Now, if we're talking about an island that's big enough for two separate (VERY separate) shanties and a lifestyle that included, say, meeting the other person for lunch every day and then going back to my own existence unpestered... well, I might be ok with that.


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