Sunday 5 April 2009

Sunday brain

It's always so hard for me to feel blathery on a Sunday. My brain's not in it, really.

The usual routine doesn't help, of course. My Sunday surfing is generally anything but conducive to blathering. By this time of day on a Sunday I've folded clothes (ok, so that part has nothing to do with surfing), checked out a few bulletin boards, read some pointlessly silly stuff, teared up a little over one of the Post Secrets (check the sidebar. I'm too lazy to link today), watched a video or two if any of my subscriptions have anything new up, and probably played one too many games of Mah Jong Solitaire on... some website that I've decided not to name after all.

And yes, the solitaire is about as close as I get to thinking on a Sunday.

All of this means that I haven't bothered to think of anything to blather about. As usual. Sunday brain.

So that leaves us with today's pointless photos, I suppose. Above, as promised, bare ground with assorted tulip leaves that haven't (yet) been chewed off by the deer. I imagine things will look a little different next week.

Below, proof that there are actual green things in the yard if you look hard enough under the snow.

I can't remember what they are, but at least they're green.

Green is good this time of year.

And with that, I think I'll head off to Giant Internet Corporation Which Doesn't Need Me to Advertise For Them and try to convince myself not to buy a book that I heard about recently. Doesn't matter which book. Just that it looks interesting.

And if anyone's wondering why I'd bother to go to the website to torture myself into NOT buying a book that I think would be interesting, well... to be honest, I am too.

Sunday brain, I tell you. Sunday brain.

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