And it's pointless.
Anyway, topic. Today's Plinky prompt (check the sidebar for Plinky. I'm not in the mood to link today), which for whatever reason I didn't bother to answer on Plinky, is What's the most on fire you've ever been? Literally, figuratively... whatever.
My first thought was that I'd better damn well NOT be on fire.
Yeah, I went the literal route.
I'd better not be on fire because one of my real fears in life is of being burned. Yes, no one ever wants to be burned, but I've been absolutely terrified of the possibility since I was very young. There's no reason for the fear, either. I've never had a bad burn, or even a medium burn. Still, I'm afraid enough of being burned that I've never been able to use a curling iron (curling brush, yes, but not an iron). It was hard to learn how to cook because I didn't want to be that close to the stove. Seriously. I've gotten better about things over the years, but the fear's still there. I've often said that it's the one thing that could ever make me believe in reincarnation.
I have a feeling that I was burned at the stake at some point...
Kidding, yes. But I still have no idea why I have the fire phobia.
Of course, it's not like I don't have some weird phobias anyway. I was afraid of insects (I've mostly worked through that one, though), but I like spiders. I have a degree in Zoology (read that as: I've had my hands on -- and in -- some really gross dead things over the years), but I can't touch fish.
Yeah. Dead fish really squick me out. And there's always that chance that they might NOT be dead, and then when you touch them they'll flop around and scare the crap out of you and...
Erm... where was I? Oh, yeah. Weirdities. Here's one for you. I make my living by talking to strangers, but I really have to psych myself up to make a phone call to a friend.
The olf life can be an interesting one, folks.
Speaking of making a living, though, I need to get back to work. And I will not, hopefully, be on fire.
Or touching a fish.
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