Sunday 29 November 2009

And if you can't say somthing nice...

You know what? I had something I was going to post. But it was fairly snotty, I had a bad sleep last night, and I try really hard not to post things that I'm going to regret later.

That's true, you know. This place might seem like it has almost no content some days and veers sharply towards verbal diarrhoea on others, but in the end I do think about my posts at least a little bit. I decided two things at the start of my blogging career: that I would never fully delete posts (edit? Yeah, but mostly for grammar), and that I would never post something that warranted being deleted.

One thing I could never understand about the blogging world in general is why so many people use their blogs as personal diaries only to end up horrified if others discover what's been written there. I mean, come on, people. It's the freaking INTERNET. If you hang your undies out on the line for everyone to see, sooner or later someone out there is going to notice what brand you wear and how ratty they are. If you don't want people to read what you write, keep it in a journal under your bed. Don't start a blog.

Same goes for Facebook or whatever else out there. If you don't want someone to know about something, keep it to yourself already. It's as easy as that.

Um, yeah. I mentioned the lack of sleep thing, right?

Anyway, in the end I have deleted posts, but not from an active blog. I deleted a whole bunch of stuff from my old blog (which used to be my main blog) when I decided that I wanted to use it for my doodles (such as they are). And incidentally, if you do ever check the old blog (the link's on the sidebar. I'll leave you to figure out which one it is if you don't already know. Or, failing that, just click on my profile at the top of the page), I have different rules over there. As in no rules. If I decide I don't like something that I've posted there, out it goes.

Kind of my equivalent of tossing out the crumpled paper if I have writer's block, I guess.

I'm... going now.

Considering the current mood, that's definitely for the best.

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