Saturday 28 November 2009

Games people play

Well, I'm a little late posting this (so I'll try to keep it short) because I got stuck playing a new flash game on the computer that I was only going to try out for a couple of minutes.

I won't tell you how many couple of minutes it turned out to be in the end. It's kind of embarrassing.

Anyway, in honour of kind of embarrassing today's post is now officially going to be about gaming instead of what it was going to be about. Which I can't remember at this point, so it's just as well.

First, I should say that I'm not a gamer and never have been a gamer (although I do now own the piece of equipment featured in today's not-entirely-pointless photo, courtesy of my latest birthday). I'm kind of inept at gaming, if I'm going to be honest. Oh, I do all right at logic-type things (let's hear it for sudoku, boys and girls) or puzzles, and if no one's watching I've been known to enjoy failing miserably at things that involve a bit of strategy. I don't have a very strategic brain, I'll admit, but if it's just me'n the computer I'll give it a go.

The problems start when the game requires reflexes.

I'm just sooo bad at trying to hit the right buttons in the right order, so to speak.

It doesn't help that I get rattled a bit too easily. Too many things going on at once gets me wanting to throw up my hands in defeat before I've even really tried.

I've got a feeling that that sort of reaction juuust isn't going to be good for the DSi.

Which, apparently, needs a wipedown at the moment. Ok, ignore the dust in the photo, everyone.

And now that I've said that I just know that you're going to have to look for it. Yeah, I'm evil.

So if I'm so bad at gaming why do I end up playing the games in the first place? Well, as long as it's just me, myself, and I playing it doesn't matter if I suck. I can enjoy sucking as long as no one watches me suck.

The irony of all of this is that when I was younger I used to consider video games a really good spectator sport. I, the person who can't really bear the thought of someone watching her play a game, used to love to watch other people play. Still do, in fact, although I don't get much opportunity to do it nowadays. Watching a talented gamer play is far more entertaining to me than, say, watching tennis. And with today's graphics it's almost like watching sports and a movie all at once. What could be better?

Ok, yeah. You don't need to tell me that I'm weird. I'm pretty much aware of the fact.

Um, anyway. I should probably go get some lunch now, so I'll just end this by saying that if anyone out there wants to recommend some games to someone who's a novice with a handheld but is quite willing to secretly suck, leave me a comment.

Oh, and since I've probably given one or two people an earworm via today's post title, you may as well just get it over with.

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