Tuesday 22 December 2009

I'm trying, I really am

To not be as snitty as I was yesterday, that is.

Honestly, I am.

It's just... winter, you know? Winter just brings out so many things that I hate.

Like cold. And snow. I simply can't understand anyone's wanting snow (other than for skiing on, I guess. But then, Gimpy the Wonder Klutz here can't really understand the need for skiing either). It's so... part of me wants to say snowy, but I suppose I should avoid being the Department of Redundancy Department today... let's go with inconvenient, then. Snow means digging out the car (and me having to dress like a polar explorer just to dig out the damned car). Snow means that the roads will probably be crap, and that the drivers who haven't figured out that the roads are crap will be scary.

Speaking of which, and in part 1342 of the continuing series I Hate Your Truck, why is it that the STDOTDs (that'd be Stupid Truck Driver of the Day, for those of you who don't follow my personal acronyms religiously. Or at all) who drive the biggest, baddest four-wheel drive wondermobiles can't seem to figure out that it should probably be them who move over into the deeper snow on narrow roads? I drive a freaking Saturn, for Whomever's sake. If I get stuck I'm liable to stay that way. And it's not like the STOTDs are going to offer help when it happens, right?

Um, anyway. Idiots in trucks bug me even when the roads are fine, so I should probably leave that topic for another day.

And besides, I did actually get more than a couple of hours of sleep last night and I'm honestly in a better state than I was yesterday and the day before, so I really should try to be more pleasant. 'Tis the season, after all.

Stupid snow, wrecking my mood.

I just now typed another whingy snow paragraph, but I've deleted it. Somehow I think I've more than made my point today.

Now if it would only stop snowing long enough for me to feel like doing my Christmas shopping.

Um... yeah. Sad but true statement there. I did mention that some of you will have to be planning to celebrate Ukrainian Christmas this year, right? By then I may actually have bought you something...

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