Tuesday 15 December 2009

So what'll we have today?

Well, let's start with a picture of snow, since that's what's out there. Oh, and the rain gauge isn't really of too much use at the moment. Don't you think?

What else? Quick neck complaint, I guess. Hey, neck? Get yourself straightened out, already. I'm getting sick of the headaches.

And quick weather complaint, because you know I just have to: I hate winter. Still, yes. Apparently things are supposed to start warming up tomorrow (I refuse to believe that until it actually happens, though. Call it my version of knocking wood) which may even lead me to go back to my own place... erm, yeah. I'm not a big fan of travelling -- especially alone -- when the weather makes it dangerous for me to be outside for any length of time, so my father's had a roommate these past couple of days. Um, anyway. I still hate winter, is what I'm saying.

And next? Hmmm. I don't really have much today, I have to admit. I could touch quickly on my dislike for Anne Geddes' photography, but it would be really quickly because the only reason it's come up at all is that I have my iGoogle theme set to random and it must have been Anne Geddes turn to have the spotlight today. Frankly, I don't see the appeal of babies dressed up as vegetables or flowers or whatever, but obviously a lot of people do so I'll just leave it to them and wait for tomorrow's random theme to take over. It's no biggie either way.

Anything else?

Not really.

And besides, my face kind of hurts from all the sneezing. Sneezing, you say? Yeah. No idea why, but there's sure been a lot of it this morning. Maybe it's the cats or something, I don't know.

And that's really no way to end a post, is it? Well, let's check the video vault and see what I can come up with...

Ok, Playing For Change came up somewhere else this morning, so that's a good enough excuse to link to one of my favourite pieces of theirs. I've probably linked to it before, but you know what? I don't care. It's good. Enjoy it.

Aaand... I was going to end there, but after that I need a bit more Keb' Mo'. Gotta love it.

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