Wednesday 9 December 2009

Yeah, yeah, I know

Blog much lately, Dee?

Not my fault.


You see, we had a bit of a storm a few days ago (and today's pointless photo was taken a couple of weekends ago. If I took it now it would have that polar-bear-in-a-snowstorm quality everybody's looking for in a pointless photo). Storms happen. And, unfortunately, when storms happen around here things usually get VERY cold for a while afterward.

Afterward can, on occasion, be a couple of weeks. Not this time, I hope, but it's been known to happen.

Anyway, when it gets cold it's extremely difficult for me to go anywhere because it's extremely painful for me to be outside long enough to clear off/warm up the car. And why is that? Oh, we've talked about it before. Let's just say that it's really stupid to be allergic to the cold when you live in, say, CANADA. At any rate, storm + cold = I stay housebound for a while.

I'm out today, but just barely.

The weather's a bit warmer (as in, now it's only TEN degrees below normal daytime high), but I got a nasty surprise when I went down to the car. It seems that the apartment manager, who in the way too many years I've been living there has gained a reputation for not clearing the snow in the parking lot all winter long and then letting us put up with wading in the meltwater all spring, has had a change of heart. Now, apparently, we get the parking lot cleared right away. WHILE THE CARS ARE STILL IN IT.

Did I mention the storm? There was a bit of snow.

Most of it, apparently, was needed to box in my car.

Should I say here that, since I live in a flipping apartment, I don't actually own a snow shovel?

Yeah. Picture the scene yourselves. I really don't want to type it all out.

Aaanyway. I should get back to work, since I haven't been here for a couple of days.

And will I be back to be pointless tomorrow?

I guess.


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