Thursday 28 October 2010

The last one

Working against a particularly stubborn headache today, so ignore me if I sound especially snitty. Oh, and for those concerned that today's pointless photo looks a bit mucked around with... well, yes.


I wanted to touch briefly on a workplace annoyance that maybe your workplace shares with my workplace (sorry, I got a sale on workplaces today). Around here we have a place where baked goods or food in general is left for staff to pick at as they will. You know, meeting leftovers or stuff brought in out of the goodness of whoever-baked-last's heart, that kind of thing. People are just welcome to help themselves. It's great.

Until you get to the last one.

Then we (ok, me mostly) have a problem with the system.

You see, it's my opinion that the person who takes the last one should also throw out the empty container.

This opinion is apparently not shared by everyone I work with.

It bugs me.

What exactly is the point of taking the last one and leaving the container behind, anyway? Is it all about teasing those who didn't manage to get one before they all ran out? Is it reminding us t hat we're out of baked goods and someone should probably get some more? Is it like leaving an empty tube on the toilet roll holder?

Um. I don't get that last one either.

Ah well. I don't have the head to rant on about it today, so I'll just say that currently our office garbage bin looks like we have a sugar addiction because I threw not one but TWO empty bakery containers into it this morning. Did I empty either of them? I think you can guess the answer to that by now.

At least you can if you've been paying attention.

And if you've been paying attention to this nonsense.... well, why, exactly?

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