Saturday 26 February 2011


Another high quality photo from the DSi, if anyone was wondering.


Ok. In an effort to write this post without using the words abscess, planetarium, and drain too frequently (told you I'd had a week), I am instead going to tell you a slightly crude story from work.

Sorry about that.

I mean, I do make an effort not to be terribly crude on the blog (although in real life? Um, yeah. Fill that one in yourselves) because I know that it's not why my two fans come here (not entirely sure why they do, but that's another issue altogether), but every once in a while the crudeness just has to leak out.

Especially when it's funny.

Let's set the scene here. I'm doing a program for an ECS class (kindergarten, for those of you whose lives haven't gone all abbreviation) that involves talking about what animals do in the winter and how it affects things like their fur. We do some hands-on stuff with actual pelts, and as the kids are touching them we encourage them to think of sensory words to describe and compare them. So here I am holding a beaver pelt and asking the kids if it feels rough, smooth, hard, soft... And then their teacher pipes up with:

Well, if you want soft, nothing beats a SHAVED beaver.

Aaand that's when I found myself trying not to lose it in front of the group. Poor woman very obviously wasn't thinking in slang, but anyone I've told this to since seems to immediately go there.

Which, actually, makes me feel a little better about my own filthy mind.

Anyway. I thought about turning this into a lengthy blather about our weird human need to remove miscellaneous hair (and I may continue on the theme tomorrow), but since I seem to have been so short on words here lately I figure it's not the best idea to waste them all on one post.

It was an actual post today, though.

I hope that everyone's proud of me.

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