Saturday 5 February 2011

I'm trying. Really.

Trying not to make this post whine like a five-year-old, I mean. Yes, I have a cold. Yes, I'm still not feeling all that great. But. EVERYONE OUT  THERE HAS HAD A COLD. So do I really need to go into details?

Didn't think so.

I'm kind of tired of feeling crummy, though.


Much as I expected, I don't really have much on the brain to blather about this morning. Er, afternoon I guess. I should go get some lunch. Before I do, though, let me make the confession that when I took this highly exciting photo of an ice blob on my balcony railing earlier this week, it was -35C outside.


So why was I taking a photo of an ice blob on the plants that I didn't clean up last fall?

Because it was there, I suppose. It looks kind of neat when you click on it to enlarge it. Or at least I think it does. I can be a little weird that way, though.

Oh, and the reason why I didn't clean up my planters and am now treated to a view out my window of dead plants with icicles on them? Well, the birds like to perch on them when they've come to my feeder. Yep, my balcony's a mess as a favour to the chickadees.  But really. Is it a bad thing to do favours for chickadees? Personally, I don't think so. The apartment management company might have a different view, but since they've never said anything I tend to leave the dead plants be until spring. It's not like the neighbours are going to complain, after all. Our balconies are enclosed by side walls. Great for privacy, and even better for dead-plant-perching chickadees.


This is rapidly becoming droning nonsense, isn't it? Ah well. I really should go find some lunch. Planning on doing a bit of drawing this afternoon as long as the stuffy head cooperates, so we'll see if I can't manage to come up with something or other to post for Illustration Friday.

I know you're probably all on tenterhooks about all of this, but it's just going to have to wait until after food.

Later, all.

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