Sunday 27 February 2011

More fur

Today's hot-off-the-camera, unedited photo is entitled Two cats NOT helping with the laundry. Or the state of the bedding, for that matter.


And now, on to fur of the human kind.

I'm massively, badly in need of a haircut.

That's not an unusual thing, since I wear it on the longer side and normally only get it cut once a year or so, but at the moment? Well, somehow or other I missed last year's scything, so the crop has gotten a bit out of control. As in damned near halfway down my back out of control.

I am, unfortunately, very good at growing hair. It grows quickly (which, on my legs, isn't exactly a blessing). On my head it grows quickly and fine. Double whammy, there. The stupid stuff grows too quickly to maintain any kind of hairstyle, and even if I wanted to the hair's too fine to do much with. It's wonderful to have hair like mine. That's why I gave up a few years back and just started letting it grow. I put it up in clips for work, I wear it in a pony tail or braid the rest of the time, and I pretty much just let it do what it wants to because that's what's going to happen anyway. And once a year I get it hacked off above my shoulders so I can start the whole process again.

Except that it didn't happen last year. And it really needs to.

I have way too much hair.

Enough, at the moment, that I'm kind of wondering what to do with it. Seems a shame to waste it somehow, even if it is fine and useless. I'd consider donating it for cancer wigs, but I have a few excepts there. Except that a person's supposed to go out and collect monetary pledges for the privilege of having her hair cut off. Except that I can't imagine anyone wanting to make a wig from this hair. Except that it doesn't seem like much of a sacrifice when a person doesn't even really want the hair to begin with...

Oh, don't get me wrong -- I'd much rather not be bald. I just don't put much value to my hair, that's all. I completely can't identify with the women on the makeover shows who cry at the thought of having their hair cut off. Geez, it's just hair. Go ahead. Make me over. Just try to find a hairstyle that won't be plastered to my head in a half hour...

Um, yeah. My hair and I aren't exactly best friends. The only time I've really enjoyed my hair was back in the days of Eighties perms. Yes, I know those perms were awful, but at least my hair had (artificial) body and I could do things with it. What exactly would be wrong with body perms coming back? I mean besides the cost. And the time. And the smell... Ok, so I won't go back to perms anytime soon. Still, you see where I'm heading to.

I just hope I'm heading to a haircut at some point, that's all. And without the whole are you sure you want to cut it ALL off??? conversation I usually end up having at my once-a-year salon visit. I seriously, seriously don't get the attachment some women seem to have to their hair, did I mention?


A short mention (which at one time was going to be a whole post, but I talked myself out of it. You're welcome) of another facet of human fur: WHAT IS WITH THE CURRENT FASHION FOR EXTREME PUBIC HAIR REMOVAL?

Yes, that needed capslock.

I don't get it. I really don't. I understand the whole bikini line thing, of course, but why in h-e-double-hockey-sticks does anyone think it's a good idea to wax everything? Is it attractive? Do men actually want women to look oddly prepubescent? Am I that completely out of touch?

Ok, that last is absolutely possible. But the whole thing still seems over the top to me. Painfully over the top.

Really painful.

Ah well, I suppose it's just another one to add to the book of Weird Things Women Do to Themselves for No Apparent Reason. It's not like it's a short book, after all.

And no doubt there'll be weirder still to come.

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