Tuesday 15 February 2011

Why yes, I do still blog now and then

Yeah, I know it's been pretty lax lately. A combination of being sick for a while, then being busy, then being lazy, then being busy again.

And where are we (me 'n alllllll the voices) now with all of this?

Tired, mostly. Worked late last night, worked early this morning, and didn't sleep worth a hoot in between. Oh, and for a change there's a reason for the didn't sleep part, but I don't think I'll go into it because A) you'll be thinking that far more than my share of weird events happen to me and B) you'll also be thinking that I'm not capable of doing anything but complaining.

I am, though. I promise.


Am I allowed to complain briefly about something else, though?

Ok, then. Ladies: the perfume? Lay off it, especially when you're planning to be around kids. Too many of them seem to have allergies or sensitivities these days, and your showing up here awash in Fleur de Celebrity du Jour isn't likely to help matters much.

Especially if you know you're going to be spending an hour or so with them in an enclosed space.

Like, say, the mobile planetarium.

Just saying.

I have to get back to work now. Should be around a bit more regularly this week, but I guess we'll see how that goes.

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