Monday 22 August 2011

Chapter 1410: Wherein Dee wastes an entire morning

Well, maybe not an entire morning. I have been doing the laundry. Or at least I've been loading the machine so that it can do the laundry.

Hmmm. This is already on it's way to getting silly, so before that happens I'd like to put on my serious face and say that I was sorry to hear that Jack Layton died this morning. Whether or not you agreed with the man's politics, you just had to admire his drive, his spirit, his passion, and his accomplishments.


Ok, back to silly. Or back to nothing, more likely, since I've spent most of the non-laundry portion of the morning looking at random things on the internet and it's meant that I haven't bother to come up with anything for the blog. Heck, I haven't even opened up my drawing stuff (which is currently sitting all accusatory-looking on top of the scanner), so I don't have anything for the other blog either. Sad, that. I'd been doing not too badly lately at being blathery. Sometimes even with a topic, you'll notice.

Streak broken, I guess. As I've said before, sometimes when I haven't got much I can come up with something just by typing for a bit, but I can already feel that it's not going to happen today. So... um... Oh, I know:

This is my current favourite thing on the internet. Don't worry -- I'll get over it soon. For now, though, it makes me laugh.

Maybe I should look for something else that makes me laugh, since I haven't done a pointless sketch comedy link for a while. Ok, give me a bit...

You know, I was about to link to some Wayne and Shuster, but I'm almost afraid to watch them. I grew up loving their stuff; what if it doesn't wear well and I'm disappointed? Ah well, in for a penny. I should explain for those unfamiliar with Canadian parliament that "desk thumping" is the traditional way to show approval for something rather than applause. Oh, and if you know that this sketch came out back when they were first considering putting cameras in the House of Commons it makes more sense, especially since the first part of the sketch is cut off in the video. The concept was about how to make people actually watch something as boring as Question Period. Incidentally, the main reason I'm posting this particular sketch is that the chorus has stuck in my head since I was a kid. No, really. To this day I'll sing it in my head when politicians are saying the usual stupid stuff in the Commons.

I should end with something a little less specifically Canadian, I suppose. All right, back to the vault one more time, and then I need to go find some lunch. Ok. This'll do. Apparently I'm in the mood for Canadian comedy earworms today. Think of it this way, I suppose: at least I managed to get almost a post out of this nonsense.

Later, all.

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