Sunday 28 August 2011

Chapter 1413: Wherein Dee makes two very obvious observations

1. I am really getting tired of not sleeping.

2. HALLELUJAH IS NOT AN APPROPRIATE SONG FOR A FUNERAL. I don't care if Jack Layton chose the thing himself. When a song has been called, by one of its interpreters, a "hallelujah to the orgasm," it Should. Not. Be. Played. At. A Funeral. Ever.

And besides, Steven Page did a pretty channel-changingly-poor job of it. Or at least I think so. But then, I'm not exactly a fan.

Um, yeah. That's all I've got today. I need to get some work done before my plant walk.

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

Even if K.D. Lang came and sang it in person, it would still not fit a funeral. Even if the dead were a K.D. Lang fan. (I wouldn't mind if she sang at my wake)

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