Thursday 10 May 2012

I so completely haven't had enough sleep to post

Did you know that there are two 2 o'clocks in a day?

No one should know that first-hand and then still pretend that they have enough brain to go to work with, really. So far today I've sat in on an interview (and you'll have to ask Wheat if I was a massive embarrassment), made some minor, completely non-taxing edits to the work blog, fed the salamanders, and stared into dead space.

In some order.

As for the rest of the day, I'm thinking that I might just head home, give my sore head a rest (yeah, on top of everything else my neck's been out. I'm moving now, but it's pretty obvious still that things aren't quite hooked up right yet), and see if I can't come up with something for the increasingly-likely-to-be-late summer newsletter's front page column. Aaand probably fail miserably at that, but I least I could give it a try.

And since writing isn't technically a thing that I have to be in an upright and seated position, that particular option is looking very palatable just about now.


Yeah. I've got nothing. Catch you later, although maybe not tomorrow since it looks to be busy.

I hope I find a way to bring my WHOLE brain tomorrow...

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