Sunday 20 May 2012


You know I had to at this point, right?

I'm not sure what you're going to get for a post, but I've brought it on myself. First I decided to start mucking about with the blog template a bit (and I hope you people aren't sick of the pansies yet, because I'm getting a little fond of them). Then I forgot that Dad's (older) computer has started nearly locking up during scans since his last antivirus update.

Needless to say, this happened right in the middle of my mucking about with the template. I'd finished doing what I wanted to do with the other blog, but I'd only just started on this one. After an enforced break I had to start all over again here because I hadn't saved any changes.

Did I mention that I also still had yesterday's photos to edit? And that I still want to get back to my place in plenty of time to do something with my balcony planters? It is May Long, after all (a.k.a. May Two Four a.k.a. Victoria Day Weekend, the traditional date around here for getting stuff into the garden)...

Yep, the blog's short shrifted again.

Anyway. Oh, and just to be fair, a non-ladybird photo:

You're looking at a piece of my childhood here, folks. This is Buffalo Bean (or Golden Bean, to some people), and it's one of the earlier wildflowers around here. My mother received a lot of Buffalo Bean and Early Blue Violet bouquets when I was a kid.

They, erm, neither of them make very good bouquets.

Still, it's the thought, right?

I took this at an abandoned place across the street from my father's house. We used to call it the Old Barn House, because (oddly enough) it was a converted barn. The house has long since been torn down and no one's bought the property. It can be a surprisingly good place to look for wildflowers now, and there's a fox den in the side of the old foundation hole.

Across the street from my Dad's place, yes.

In town.

What? You don't have that at your childhood home.

Too bad, is all I can say.

Going to get some lunch now. Will I keep the current look for the blogs? For a little while, at least. Every place needs renovation now and then.

Catch you later.

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

Childhood home. Boy, what a subject. There were three of them in fact. My favorite one in Miami, Fl was in the middle of a mango grove. Plus a few avocado tree's thrown in . That place was a kids paradise. Backed up to shanty town. (cheap rental houses and woods) Had an old gladiola farm nearby that my brother and I would pick leftover glads from and then sell them to our neighbors. Another neighbor had a bamboo jungle that we kids made tunnels through until the owner caught us. We built a tree house on the deadend. I guess that will be the house I remember. Because our last house was cookie stamped, concrete jungle and now bought out by Cubans and turned in to little Havana. Why don't you buy that vacant place across the street. Then you wouldn't have so far to go to use the computer. (tongue in cheek) Thinking of getting a kindle burn for my daughter. Not me. I want real paper to read. Hoping its still around until after I am gone. Already most of the newspapers are gone. Oh, we got a new puppy from animal control. I will have to post her picture.

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