Friday 26 June 2009

And what the heck was that, exactly?

Not the pointless photo, obviously. I know what the heck the pointless photo is.

The what the heck part is more about my morning. Which was weird. Even weirder than usual, yes.

I woke up stupidly early (yay me. Of course I did. There was no need to be up stupidly early, so naturally my brain decided that it would like to be up stupidly early), and while I was trying to convince myself to get some more sleep I ended up having a couple of very strange, somewhat disturbing half-awake dreams. You know the type, I'd imagine. You're not really fully asleep (or at least you don't feel yourself going to sleep) and all of a sudden you find yourself in the middle of a different place or situation for a while. Then you realise you couldn't possibly be in that place because you're actually in bed trying to convince yourself to get some more sleep... Yeah. Definitely a good way to start your day completely off-kilter.

It doesn't help that those weird waking dreams generally tend to be anxiety-style dreams. Something's wrong, or I-need-to-get-out-of-here-quick, or...

Oh, let's face it. It's all classic anxiety, plain and simple. Showing up for work in your altogether. That kind of thing.

It's probably the reason that I don't often remember dreams.

When I was younger (a lot younger) I used to be very good at completely freaking myself out in (or with) my dreams. I think I must have had night terrors as well, because I can remember waking up scared with no real reason or memory why, but it's the true nightmares that stuck. I had a gift for taking almost any innocent situation -- even a funny one -- from real life and turning it into a horror show at night. I would have been... oh, I guess a pre-teen when this was at its worst, and the cure my brain found for it was, I suppose, a little extreme.

I stopped remembering dreams.


For quite a long time.

To the point where it kind of surprises me to remember a dream even today. The way I figure it, my brain just decided that if I was going to be so silly as to be constantly trying to terrify myself, then I may as well keep all of that stuff to myself.

Or maybe I'm just a neurotic little twit. That could be, too.

Anyway, weird start to the day, and I'm not entirely sure what to make of it. A paper airplane, maybe? Then at least I could have some fun with my screwed-up self.

And on that screwed-up thought, back to work I go.

Screwed-upedly, most likely.

1 comment:

Dream Painter said...

I saw all of your photos, they are amazing!! You are so able to catch the nature beauty. Really great stuff!!

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