Saturday 13 June 2009


Yes, as usual the pointless photo has nothing to do with the topic. Why would you want to look at a generic picture of a book when you can look at an oddly cropped tulip instead?

Maybe don't answer that.

This will probably be short because I'm currently in the process of assigning dates read to the books on my Shelfari shelf because I want to reorganise the way things are displayed on the widget on the sidebar (I'm also, bit by bit, starting to add a few reviews here and there. You can see them if you mouse over the books on the shelf. Oh, and if you haven't noticed, there are tons of books on the shelf. I haven't got around to adding all of the books in my apartment yet, but you'll find most of them listed there. On the sidebar. Go check it out. Erm... well, maybe after you've finished reading this). It would have been loads easier to add the dates at the same time I'd added the books, but that feature didn't exist at the time I joined Shelfari.

So now I'm stuck trying to remember when I might have read over two hundred books.


Have you ever tried to remember when you read a certain book? Or two hundred different books? It ain't easy. Yeah, some of them are from recent memory and I have the dates written in them (a bit of an OLF thing, I admit... and it's one thing to have the dates written in them, but it doesn't help when I don't have the books right in front of me), but others have been travelling around with me for years. Some of them are from university or later college (I went back to school for a while a couple of years after university. Big mistake. Completely the wrong program for me. Got a couple of decent books out of the deal, though). Some of them joined the travelling deeol library even earlier than that. Some of them I can remember buying new, but there's a whole whack that came from used book stores so even the edition dates wouldn't give me a clue as to when I might have browsed through them.

And then there are the dictionaries.

I have a lot of dictionaries.

I've been assigning dates read to them because I want them to appear in the order they were bought, but I promise I haven't actually sat down and read the dictionaries.

Well, not most of them anyway.

I have read a couple.

Anyway, I'm going to be at this for a while... and what do you want to make a bet that when I'm done and I edit the shelf widget I'm not happy with it and end up going back to the previous listing even after all that work?

It would be just about my speed, really.

Maybe I should just try to have a few less books?

Oh yeah. Like that's going to happen.

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