Thursday 25 June 2009

One damned thing after another

I'm currently sitting at my office chair with my foot up on an empty coffee can because my knee doesn't especially want to bend today.

Yep. Yet another body part that's apparently off-warranty.

The sad thing is, it's not my bad knee. It's the other one (yes, I only have the two knees). It was sore during yesterday's round of planetariumming, but when I got home I found out that it was not only sore but badly swollen. Thus the issue with not wanting to bend.

I have no idea what I did to it. I must have twisted it or something, but you'd think that I'd remember twisting it badly enough to make it unbendable.

Stupid body anyway. One damned thing after another.

Ah well. It's the end of school programming season, so with the exception of having to set the planetarium up once next week I should have time to get the various aches under control for a while.

Hey, did I ever tell you (all two of my fans) why it is that I have the buggered-up knee in the first place? The usual bad knee, I mean. Not today's unbendy one. Let's blog-search and see, then... Well, rats. Or choose your favourite expletive if you'd rather. Of course I've told the knee story. I've probably told all of my stories at least twenty times over the years I've blogged.

I don't have that many stories, you see.

The short version of the knee story, for those who aren't in the mood to look for the longer one? I fell off a bus.


It takes true talent to be that inept, you know.

And apparently I have that sort of talent in spades.

Or at least in my knee.

And furthermore...


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