Sunday 14 March 2010

50 things that I like

Yeah, I generally spend a lot of time whinging on this blog.

Believe me, I notice.

It's hard not to notice, really.

It's just a fact of pointlessness, I guess.

Honestly, since I didn't give the blog a particular focus it's easy to just say what can I complain about today? and make that the default. In an effort to lighten the mood a bit today, though (in honour of Pi Day, I suppose? And yes, I do know that makes no sense whatsoever), I'm going to attempt to come up with fifty things that don't involve me and bitchery. It's going to be tough -- and completely off the top of my head -- but here goes:

Fifty Things That I Promise That I Can't Find Anything -- Or At Least Much -- To Be Annoyed About
  1. Today's pointless photo. Yep, sometimes they're pretty pointless and this one's no exception, but there's something about this particular pointlessness that I like. For whatever reason.
  2. Cheese.
  3. Art supplies.
  4. Craig Ferguson. In a purely he's-entertaining-as-hell fashion, of course.
  5. Good chocolate. Ok, almost any chocolate.
  6. The Muppet channel on YouTube.
  7. Cats.
  8. Spiders.
  9. Pop rocks.
  10. Jane Austen.
  11. Squirrels.
  12. Pizza.
  13. Roper slip-ons.
  14. British sketch comedy.
  15. Sleep. Too bad it's such a scarce commodity.
  16. Patterns. They speak to my inner OLF.
  17. Singing.
  18. Flowers. I was going to be more specific and list individual flowers, but that seemed like it would be cheating on my fifty.
  19. Project Runway. Yeah, yeah, I know.
  20. Cooking competition shows. See above for resigned comment.
  21. Louis Armstrong.
  22. Trivia.
  23. Clementines. The tangerines, I mean.
  24. The Blues.
  25. Melons.
  26. Fred Astaire.
  27. The Discovery Channel.
  28. DVD extras.
  29. Sudoku.
  30. Chickadees.
  31. Baby Coots. They definitely qualify as so ugly they're cute.
  32. Terra chips.
  33. 60s rock. Well, classic rock in general. Stuff I can sing along with in the car.
  34. Watching talented people in their element.
  35. Kids. Yes, I do like kids. Doesn't mean I want any of my own, but it also doesn't mean I can't like other peoples' kids.
  36. Mozart.
  37. Chamber music.
  38. Absurdity.
  39. Learning.
  40. Blue Jays.
  41. Digital photography. There's something appealing about how disposable it is.
  42. QI. Thank Whomever for the internet, because I'd never get to see it otherwise. Oh, and BBC? I'd really love to be able to see it in a non-pirated way hint hint hint.
  43. Folk festivals. Haven't been in too many years, but they're sure a lot of fun.
  44. Monet. Which I initially mistyped as Money. Which I suppose I like too...
  45. Historic fashion.
  46. Social history.
  47. Ouzo.
  48. Internet radio.
  49. Having an art gallery at work. Even when the displays are iffy, it's still something to talk about.
  50. Chicken.
Well, that'll be my fifty for this time. Fairly random, I think you'll agree. I know I've done this at least once before, so if you're really obsessive I suppose you could use the search bar at the top of the page to see how many repeats there are in the list. Unless, of course, it was on the other blog before I deleted the old posts. Then you're mostly out of luck.

I'm sure you're heartbroken...

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