Wednesday 3 March 2010

Choices, choices

I'm running out of newish photos. I guess I should do something about that. And I'm not sure if my father's fake birds are enjoying those real peanuts...

So. Not sure how this is going to go, blatherwise, because I'm really tired. Early programs mean I've been at work since gawdawful, and that's after my apartment building decided to get back at me for badmouthing it by attempting to blow up its own boiler room at about 1:30 in the morning. Or at least that's what it sounded like. Picture all your radiator and hot water pipes suddenly sounding like they're being operated by a runaway steam locomotive, and then just imagine me sitting there thinking of the Mythbusters, exploding hot water tanks, and the fact that the mechanical room is on the first floor directly below my apartment (well, that's not entirely accurate. My downstairs neighbour's apartment is directly below mine. But the mechanical room is directly below her apartment...).

Yeah. It was great.

Anyway, eventually the noises stopped (via a process that sounded awfully like someone taking a sledgehammer to the whole works) and I did manage to get back to sleep sometime before 3 am. Which, yay me. Too often I would have been done for the night after that kind of experience.

Ah well.

What was this post about, again?

Oh yeah. Choices. As in, my cell phone contract is apparently nearing renewal, because I've been sent a brochure of possible phones that they're more than happy to give me for a very low price. Out of the goodness of their hearts, yes... and a three-year contract. Funny how I'm suddenly being given all this choice, when last time I wasn't even offered a freaking phone for renewing. Could there be COMPETITION in the wind, boys and girls?

Um, non-Canadian readers won't see that I was trying to be clever with that last sentence. Canadian readers probably will, but I doubt that they'll care much.

Yep, this time I'm getting choice, and I'm not entirely sure what I'll do with it. Phones have changed a lot in the threeish years I've had my current one, and I'm not sure how fancy I want to get about things. I have a very good, very reliable phone right now. It's clear, it takes... well, middling pictures, and it gives me all the joys of predictive text for messaging. Or should I say that it gives my friends all the joys of predictive text. Especially when I'm typing in a hurry. As a phone, though, it's never given me a bit of trouble. That's important when it's my only phone. I haven't had a land line for years.


I could be doing a lot more with my phone contract, and I know it. And I could be doing a lot more with my phone.

Do I want to?

I... dunno yet.

I've gotten as far as looking up some reviews of the phones that they're offering just to make sure that they aren't complete crap, and that's about it. As to anything else, I supposedly have until the end of the month. I say supposedly, because last renewal I was phoned by customer service long before I could be bothered to do anything about the renewal notice. I guess we'll see.

And if anyone out there has a new phone that they absolutely hate, please do leave me a comment so that I can be sure to completely steer clear of it. Thanks a bunch.

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