Friday 19 March 2010

Pointless quick comment:

Yes, not even time to find a pointless photo. I have work that needs doing.


Just wanted to say that if I'm going to continue to have work days that are actually work days as opposed to work a-few-hours-in-the-middle-of-the days, SOMEBODY needs to remind me to buy something to make lunches with. There have been altogether too many sandwiches from the grocery store deli counter in my life for the past little while. They're decent sandwiches, mind, and a lot cheaper than eating fast food, but still. I'm perfectly capable of making a lunch even at Stupid in the Morning, you know.

If I have anything to make lunches with.

Why don't you people tell me these things when I'm shopping? Sheesh. Can't depend on my two fans for anything. At least anything lunch-making-related...

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

Lately it's an obsession with bacon, lettuce, and tomato. Now that I'm home I can indulge. I hate subway. It has become sloppy and generic. I love a veggie sub. Quizno is good. Do you have them there. Where are you. Near Vancouver? What did you remember to buy. Me, it's usually pickles.

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