Wednesday 17 March 2010

You're just trying to drive me NUTS, aren't you?

This'll be short. I was out of the office most of the morning, and now I really need to get to some post-lunch actual work.

Today's olf moment comes courtesy of a way too early start to the morning, which was caused by the need to set up the mobile planetarium at a school for an 8:30 am start. The problem? The school doors weren't open until 8 am, and by the time I got fully into set-up I probably had about twenty minutes total to get the thing up and running.

This... does NOT work for the OCD among you, people. I mean, yes. It is possible for me to set up in twenty minutes, as evidenced by the fact that I did it this morning. IT DOES NOT MAKE ME HAPPY. It's cutting it way too close if there are equipment issues (and we've had those in the past), and it gives absolutely no time to get into program mode.

Believe it or not, I do have to warm up my brain to do my job. Well, sometimes.

Anyway, it all made for a jittery start to the morning (and I won't even tell you how many times I checked the map to make sure I knew the way to the school) and right now I'm having a bit of a time getting focussed again.

And I'm eating pita chips. No real reason for the last one, except that I bought them as part of my grocery-store-deli-counter lunch.

And with that whiplash moment... back to work for Yours Obsessively.

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