Thursday 4 March 2010

Me, right now

No, I'm not dead grape leaves. I told you I was lacking in photos at the moment, remember? I just don't really have anything today.

Well, I do have a program that I'm going to have to get prepared for soon, so I'll try to keep this short. Appropriate, since it's about me.

Consider this a verbal snapshot, since I know you're incredibly curious about what I look like here at work. Or you're not. At this point I'm not really concerned either way.

So, me. Right now. Shoulder-length mouse-brown hair with designer grey highlights (yeah, whatever) that is currently up in a pony tail because a) I was too lazy to do anything else with it, and b) I'm doing a planetarium show tonight so there's no point in doing anything with it. Pink hair elastic. No reason.

Shirt? Work uniform. Usually it'd be a dark green t-shirt, but today I opted for my collared shirt because it's more breathable and the planetarium can sometimes be a bit warm when you get a bunch of bodies in there. Unfortunately, my collared shirt is a kind of tannish-clay that makes my skin look... wrong. Just wrong. There's no other word for it. It's just so not a good colour for me. In fact, the first time I had it on at work one of the girls looked at me and said WHAT are you wearing? like I'd suddenly come over all leper-y.

My nerdstick is on a lanyard underneath my shirt, as it generally is when I'm at work. It's out of the way there.

Trousers? Faded black denim. Black belt, mostly because I need someplace to clip my cell phone. My bundle of too-many work keys is on a 'biner that's attached to my belt loop because otherwise it'd probably commit pocket suicide.

Shoes? Red leather winter mocs that I'm going to miss SO MUCH when they finally give up the ghost.

Jewellery? None today. Couldn't be bothered. I am wearing the solar-powered watch that my father gave me a few years ago, though.

What else? Well, I'll do you the favour of not describing my underwear. I will tell you, though, that I'm wearing my Christmas penguin socks. Yes, I know it's not Christmas. Sometimes a girl just has to wear penguin socks, that's all.

I guess I forgot my glasses when I was at the head end, didn't I. Well, just assume that I'm wearing my glasses. I usually do, unless seeing is optional.

Well, that's about it. Not terribly impressive, but I can't say that it worries me. Oh, and if anyone was worried about me -- or at least my balance in an icy parking lot -- a couple of posts ago, I can tell you that while the parking lot is still icy in places it appears that my personal parking lake has finally drained, so when I go home tonight I'll attempt to park in my own space instead of borrowing one of the visitor spots. I know you were dying to know that.

And now... well, back to work for me. Wish me luck with the cub scouts.

I hope they like my Christmas penguins.

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