Wednesday 11 May 2011

Go and sit in the corner

Today's photo? I felt like looking at a daylily, so now you have to too.


I'm having a mood problem today, I'll warn you. The world is apparently out to tick me off (aaand that was about the fourth version of that simple sentence. I'm doing my best to censor myself here, folks. You don't need to know how it came out originally). It's a windy day so the allergies are pretty much sky-high, my various achy joints have all decided to ache at once, I'm becoming annoyed with coworkers who don't generally annoy me... yeah, someone has an attitude problem and is having trouble playing nicely with others.

Days like this make me feel like I'd be better off living in a hole.

Which, of course, would probably just make me more allergic.


The thing is, I know that I'm feeling whiny and I'm trying to ignore it, but the usual tricks just aren't doing it for me. I can often get by with the old whistle a happy tune trick -- replace afraid with anti-social to get the full effect -- but for whatever reason pretending I want to be around people instead of going home and pouting just isn't cutting it at the moment.

Why yes, I am a five-year-old.

Ah well. I'll get over it. I'll even get over myself, eventually.

Just not at the moment.

Now... go away, already. Or, wait. You don't have to go away if you don't want to. I take that back. How about if I go away instead? Sounds good to me...

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