Sunday 29 May 2011

Pointless very likely random post of the day:

I haven't really bothered to think of a blather topic today, so this'll probably be all over the place. And what was I doing instead? Oh, this and that. Folding the laundry that was hanging overnight; listening to a couple of sample tracks from Hugh Laurie's blues album (which... hey, I fully admit to being a long-time fan of Hugh Laurie, but that doesn't mean that I'm willing to up and purchase some actor's album just because I'm a fan. There's a lot of bad albums by actors out there. And this? Isn't one of them, from what I've heard so far. Seems really well produced, and the guy's undeniably talented. Yeah, I'll probably look for it when it's released in North America next fall). Then I switched to Cole Porter on the internet radio for some background music while I doodled a flower. Check the other blog for that one if you're so inclined.

And why Cole Porter? Well, I generally like to doodle to music. Often it'll be 60s pop or, erm, chamber music (depending on the subject matter, which I suppose goes without saying), but I guess that listening to the 30s blues tracks put me in the mood for some classic standards. I might have just put on the blues channel, I guess, but I'm not a huge fan of this particular outfit's blues mix for some reason.

Hmm. That's my morning, then. Pretty typical Sunday morning for me, really. So what else can I add to the blather? Well, I suppose I could tell you that today's pointless photo had me singing along with the Andrews Sisters in my head when I took it yesterday. Taking pictures of apple blossoms always does that to me. Not a terribly original earworm, I admit, but what can a person do?

And speaking of the Andrews Singers takes me to this song. Why? None of your business, really. But it's a good song.

Oh good grief. I'm rapidly heading  to pointless link land. Maybe I should cut this short while I still can...


Can't help myself...






Yeah. I feel better now. And this is getting weird. I'm going now, ok?

I think we should all be ok with me going now, frankly.

Bye then.

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