Thursday 5 May 2011


And rhubarb. No reason. The new leaves always look like brains to me, though...


As I was making toast from the last, thin heel of bread to go with my egg this morning (I reeeally need to get groceries), I got to thinking about the whole multigrain trend. And trend it is, make no mistake. It'll be the thing until the next thing comes along, and then multigrain will go back to appealing to a niche market. I'm hoping that the same thing will happen to the misuse of NATURAL one of these days, but then then my two fans already know how I feel about that one so 'nough said there.

Here's the thing, though.

I think I like multigrain better than single grain even without all of its current advertising clout.

My last slice of twelve (yes folks, count 'em. TWELVE!!!) grain bread had me wondering how many other overly-grained products I had in the house. Just quickly, before I went to work, I found a box of cereal, a box of pasta, and a bag of tortilla chips which all proudly proclaimed their multigrainedness. And bear in mind that this is (as I said above) with a distinct need to get groceries sometime in the near future. Like, on-my-way-home-today-or-I-may-not-be-having-supper near future.

That's a fair amount of multigrain, considering that I don't exactly seek the stuff out for dietary reasons.

So why are these multigrains finding their way into my house, then?

I suppose that I like them. Didn't I already say that?

Gee, that was a short post.

Ok, the fact is that I tend to scratch my head at commercials for breads and pastas that taste just like regular! even though they REALLY REALLY contain multigrains, because I find that multigrain products have so much more flavour than white-flour-only items. Ok, sure. I can see that maybe some people might not like the different texture, but... no, I don't see that either. A variety of grains make the texture far more interesting.

Do you suppose that I'm a closet hippie and didn't know it? Should I invest in granola, or buy some birkenstocks before it's too late for me 'n the bad ankle?

Nah. I just like multigrains.

This may be in line for the top ten of Most Useless Posts On This Blog, you know.

Um, yay me, I guess. Going back to work now.

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