Wednesday 25 January 2012

Chapter 1505: Wherein Dee whinges on a bit

Remember the part where I said I'd try for a proper post in the next couple of days? Today apparently isn't one of them. I'm in a bit of a mood. My wrist aches, my buggered-up knee is letting me know it's not happy, I have a planetarium show to do tonight (wonderful for both wrist and knee), there's a meeting in the room tomorrow morning so I won't be able to just leave everything and go when I'm done (which SUCKS, just so's you know)... none of this really leads to creative blogging.

Or even the type of blogging that usually happens here.


Is that an improvement on anyway? I'm of two minds about it, to be honest.

Anyway, I'll try to be somewhat more user-friendly tomorrow, I think. In the meantime, enjoy the extremely not-recent photo (it's of high bush-cranberry, for those who were honing their plant ID skills via this blog's incredibly pointless photography) and I'll see what I can manage later.

Later being much later, for any of my two fans who wondered.

1 comment:

Sparroweye said...

HIgh Bush Cranberry you say. I was about to say, some sort of sweetgum tree. I'm ready for winter to be over. Never thought I'd hear myself say those words. It could be worse. I could be sweltering down in central Florida with temperatures in the 80's. Which I hate. Its just wrong in January. One daffodil opened up. PIcture is up. Also I thought I had caught a photo of a ufo but a friend enlarged it and said it was a stealth bomber. Darn.

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